Eileen Morrissey, RDH, MS

                               “The Roar of Womanhood: How Life’s Phases Impact Oral Health”

Eileen Morrissey, RDH, MS

Wednesday, October 4, 2017
5:00 PM-6:00PM  Dinner
6:00 PM – 9:00PM Lecture
3 CE’s


Eileen Morrissey, RDH, MS is a dental practice coach / consultant in Clarksburg, New Jersey. Her background in dentistry and health care includes clinical, educational, management and marketing experience in a variety of settings.  She holds an A.A. in Dental Hygiene from Fairleigh Dickinson University, a B.S. in Dental Hygiene from the University of Rhode Island, and a M.S. in Health Care Management (Marketing) from Salve Regina College.  She lectures nationally, and provides customized workshops for doctors and their teams. She is an Approved Provider of the American Academy of Dental Hygiene, and serves on the faculty of Burlington County College as a lecturer and clinical instructor.  She has published articles in Dental Economics, The Seattle Study Club Journal, Modern Hygienist, and the Journal of New Jersey Dental Association and RDH. Her column “Anecdotal Hygienist” is featured monthly in RDH magazine.  Eileen continues to practice clinical dental hygiene.


I. Learning Outcomes: (General)

A. Review and implement into practice how the phases of the woman’s life
cycles impact oral health.
B. Gain knowledge of contemporary theory with regard to treatment of physical,
mental, and emotional challenges as they pertain to oral health
C. Integrate into practice, optimal oral assessment and treatment the woman’s
journey through the ages/stages.

II. Learn how select adolescent/teen issues may impact oral health; treatment
options and prevention:

A. Pubertal Gingivitis: Recognition/risk factors/treatment/prevention
B. Caries: Recognition/risk factors/treatment/prevention
C. Bruxism: Not just for adults!
D. Sports guards: Impact of use and non use
E. Orthodontics or non -treatment impact/ramifications/clinical findings
F. Smoking tobacco/Cannibis/E-Cigarettes/as a risk factor for oral disease
G. Chewing in female teens/impact/clinical considerations
H. Communication/Education/the 5 A’s.
I. Mouth breathing/Halitosis/Risk /treatment recommendations
J. Piercings/Grills/Tattoos: Risk/clinical findings
K. Oral cancer screening in teenagers
L. Technology/Graphics applications for teenagers in education
M. Advanced Cancer Screening Technology

III. Learn how various issues in young womanhood and pregnancy, may impact oral
health; treatment options and prevention.

A. Eating disorders: Controversy with regard to presentation of clinical findings
and intervention by RDHs and dentists. Includes counsel by eating disorder
specialist Don Erwin, PhD. Clinical manifestations; Impact ; Treatment if Patient
discloses vs. Treatment if Patient does not disclose.
B. HPV: Magnitude of problem. Worldwide impact. Clinical risk factors,
historically and today; Clinical presentation of benign and malignant HPV
C. Risk Assessment Sample/Rationale/Application
D. Importance of traditional oral cancer screening/Advanced Oral Cancer
Screening Technology

E. Pregnancy Gingivitis/diagnosis/treatment/prevention

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